Garage door maintenance
11/05/2013 Back To BlogThe costs that come with replacing a garage door can at times be quite expensive thus the need to carry out regular maintenance. Maintenance is one of the best and easiest ways of being assured of proper operation of the door for the longest time possible. The following are some of the tips you can use to effectively maintain your garage door and ensure it gives you reliable service.
Lubrication is a must
Lubrication is a must if the door is to slide up and down smoothly without any unwarranted sounds. Lubrication is essential as it prevents metal from eating against each other through friction. Many of these doors have some sort of rail mechanism thus it is a must to apply a light film of low temperature grease. If your door produces some sort of squeaky noise or chattering noise; it does not necessarily mean the springs need a replacement but some sort of lubrication.
Replacing door springs
The garage door springs should be replaced when the manual position weighs more than ten pounds hindering it from staying opened half way. A heavy door will predominantly stress the opener. The rollers with the ball bearing should always be replaced after 5-7 years of service. Garage doors are extremely heavy and because of their weight the torsion springs should always be maintained under extreme tensile condition.
Regular inspection
Visually inspect your garage door at least once a month to detect any form of flaws that may be creeping in. While inspecting, pay a closer watch on the springs, cable rollers and pulleys to detect any signs of wear. Feel free to contact us in case you need technical assistance from a qualified service provider.
Hinge bolts
The hinge bolts located on the right and left hand side of the garage door should be tightened from time to time. The hinge bolts are the brackets holding the rollers in place allowing the door to glide up and down smoothly. Lubrication with penetrating oil should also come hand in hand to prevent any form of friction